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Inner Planets in Gemini, except Sun

Influence of the inner planets & luminaries in Gemini.

Moon in Gemini:
Lunar Geminis are usually pleasant, witty, and charming people. At home and with family, however, they can be moody and irritable at times. People with Moon in Gemini are always interesting people——they have a finger in every pie, are curious to a fault, and are generally well-informed.
Nervousness and worry are common traits with this lunar position. An underlying restlessness is common, and many Lunar Geminis need more stimulation than others. They usually read a lot, talk a lot, and think a lot with this airy, mutable position of the Moon.
Their homes are often a perpetual work-in-progress. They generally dislike housework, but are big on home improvement. Re-organizing their homes in little——and sometimes big——ways seems to keep them happy, as Lunar Geminis are easily bored by both routine and constancy. Often, this is a reflection of their inner world——”the grass is always greener…” applies here. Inwardly, Lunar Geminis are often unsettled. Moon in Gemini parents are generally more adept at handling the intellectual needs of their children than emotional ones. Others’ complicated emotions, in general, can be difficult for Lunar Geminis to handle.
In their families, Lunar Geminis often take on the role of organizing get-togethers. They are at their best when they have plenty of things to do beyond routine.

Moon in Gemini people almost always have a way with words. They are clever and witty, and more often than not can be found chatting with others. They are sociable and friendly, and feel comfortable in crowds. Some pay too much attention to what everyone else is doing, and lose touch with what they really want to do. Generally, Lunar Geminis have a million and one projects going. They are impressionable folk, and their imagination is boundless.
Their openness to new ideas is admirable, although decisiveness and persistence take a blow as a result. Still, versatility and adaptability are some of the stronger traits of this position of the Moon.
When irritable, these people can easily become snappy. Their moodiness is complicated——this is not the same kind of moodiness you’ll find with water sign moons, for example. Usually, difficult behavior stems from inner restlessness. Lunar Geminis want to do it all, and have trouble sticking to any one project.
When problems arise, the first instinct of Moon in Gemini natives is to talk things out. Their tendency to analyze can give them the appearance of emotional detachment. In fact, Lunar Geminis may be especially comfortable talking about their feelings, but feeling their own feelings doesn’t come as easily. Those that don’t take time out to really emote and understand their own needs may end up baffling others. Feeling misunderstood is common for Moon in Gemini natives. The only real solution to the problem is learning to get in touch with their own feelings.

Some Famous people with Moon in Gemini: Mel Blanc (Sun and Moon in Gemini), Jim Carrey, Kirk Douglas, John Goodman (Sun, Moon, and Venus in Gemini), Steffi Graf (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Gemini), Kylie Minogue (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Gemini), Freddie Prinze Jr.
Mercury in Gemini:
Mercury in Gemini people are generally quick-witted. They can come across as somewhat scattered, and this is mainly due to their eclectic interests. They seem to know a little about everything.
Turn to Mercury in Gemini people for lots of facts and figures as well as broad knowledge. Their learning is a little superficial——they generally have too many interests to delve too deeply into any one.
These natives learn best in a stimulating environment. They get bored easily, but they are fast learners. Impressionable to a fault, Mercury in Gemini people pick up more from their environment than most, and they can process information at lightning speed! The restlessness of Gemini is especially obvious when Mercury is placed in the sign. There is a nervous energy here that is unmistakable.

Although Gemini is a fairly open-minded sign, there is often a bias towards logic. Unless Mercury forms an aspect with the Moon in the birth chart, Mercury in Gemini natives don’t always rely on intuition, nor do they take into account the world of emotion in their decision-making processes. In this sense, they can come across as a little too intellectual or just plain logical. The lack of heart behind what they say and think can be frustrating to more personal communicators.
Although Mercury in Gemini people are generally interested and interesting speakers, they can also be quite detached, easily discarding or ignoring more personal issues. They don’t get attached to their opinions and ideas for too long, and the result is a changeability and coolness that can be frustrating to others. On the other hand, their curiosity and willingness to adapt to the environment around them often endears them to others. Because they possess versatile minds, you won’t have much of a problem convincing them to change their minds.
Mercury in Gemini natives can be smooth talkers, even a little deceptive, although this is generally not with cruel intent. It’s done, usually, with a sense of humor. In fact, it’s more of a mental exercise than anything. They are able to quickly spot human weaknesses and then play around with them.
Decision-making is generally done quickly and competently. They have fun with words, they are good on the phone, and they make engaging speakers. They communicate with a strong sense of fun, and they can “speak to” people from all walks of life with equal ease.

Mercury in Gemini natives often possess presence of mind and will generally impress you with their wit. For the most part, it is unlikely these people will bore you!
Some Famous People with Mercury in Gemini: Courteney Cox (Sun and Mercury in Gemini), Tom Cruise, Steffi Graf (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Gemini), Elizabeth Hurley (Sun and Mercury in Gemini), Prince William (Sun and Mercury in Gemini), Tobey Maguire, Kylie Minogue (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Gemini), Marilyn Monroe (Sun and Mercury in Gemini), Pete Wentz (Sun and Mercury in Gemini).
Venus in Gemini:
Venus in Gemini people will try to win over the object of their affection with witty conversation, displaying just how much they “know”, and demonstrating their diverse interests. These lovers are playful——some might even call them a tease. They are hard to pin down, and they resist relationships that promise to become too “comfortable”. Even those with their Sun in Taurus or Cancer, whose outward demeanor may suggest some reserve and caution, will want their relationships to be stimulating and full of conversation with Venus in Gemini.
Venus in Gemini men and women don’t want to be tied or bogged down in their relationships. They appreciate lightheartedness in love. Although they are willing to talk (perhaps endlessly) about the relationship, you may get the feeling that they gloss over some of the deeper issues. In love, their tastes change often, and it can be hard to know what to expect from one day to the next (or, sometimes, from one hour to the next!).

Pleasing Venus in Gemini involves supporting their need for fun and variety, showing interest in their brainpower and knowledge, and giving them space for friends and activities outside of the relationship. Let them know just how much fun you have with them. Try not to get overly miffed by Venus in Gemini’s changeable, fickle ways. Remember that time spent with your lover will be exciting and invigorating.
Some Famous People with Venus in Gemini: Sandra Bullock (Venus and Mars in Gemini), Cher, Russell Crowe, John Goodman (Sun, Moon, and Venus in Gemini), Jessica Simpson
Mars in Gemini:
Mars is the planet that rules our drive and passions. In the mutable air sign of Gemini, Mars is a little scattered and unfocused. Easily bored, Mars in Gemini natives need a fresh change of pace frequently just to keep energy levels up. It’s a somewhat odd thing, really. When there’s nothing much to do, these natives are exhausted. But if there’s plenty of interesting things on their agenda, Mars in Gemini natives can be powerhouses! More than most people, these individuals have a physical reaction to boredom.
Besides possessing a passion for words, when Mars in Gemini natives get angry or fired up, they use words as their “weapon”. Angry words——some of the most incisive and sarcastic ones——can fly around with the more energetic natives. Others simply talk things through——energetically! Whatever the case may be, Mars in Gemini natives need to get everything off their chests when they’re fired up.

In fact, debates are a Mars in Gemini specialty. These natives draw on their sharp wit to win arguments. In general, they can be talkative sorts, sometimes bordering on verbal diarrhea. Those whose charts show more reserve only become chatty when they’re worked up about something or the other.
Some people with this position of Mars are quite fidgety. They have much nervous energy. In general, their nervousness and restlessness are at the root of plenty of physical ups and downs. When they’re on edge, they can be nitpicky.
Many Mars in Gemini natives channel their energy through their hands. Gemini, after all, rules the hands; and these people often express energy through musical instruments and the like——even video games. Many are attracted to puzzles and games as diversions.
These natives are very adaptable, often thriving on change. They often take up many projects at once, spreading themselves thin at times. Sustained interest is not especially common with this position of Mars. Most will benefit from attempting to focus their energies rather than scattering them. However, their versatility and disdain for routine generally means Mars in Gemini natives are busy people.

Some Famous People with Mars in Gemini: Sandra Bullock (Venus and Mars in Gemini), Ludwig van Beethoven, David Duchovny, Anna Kournikova (Sun and Mars in Gemini), Kylie Minogue (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Gemini), Jimmy Page, Freddie Prinze Jr., Tiger Williams
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