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Inner Planets in Taurus, except Sun

Influence of the inner planets & luminaries in Taurus.

Moon in Taurus:
Familiarity is important to Lunar Taureans. These people are earthy and strong-willed. They feel with their senses and they are pretty much rooted in their ways. They revel in material comforts–in fact, building a solid and comfortable home and foundation helps to keep them feeling safe and content.
It isn’t wise to try to push Lunar Taureans into doing anything, but once they have made a commitment, they’re persevering.
There’s a steadiness to this position of the Moon that is comforting to those close to them. But the conservative streak in these natives can be maddening to more progressive personalities. They tend to go out of their way to avoid “messy” or unpredictable situations, crises, and emotional displays. Instead, they focus on creating a reliable and secure life around them. In relationships, Lunar Taureans may not easily recognize their partner’s need for change, growth, or emotional stimulation.
Moon in Taurus natives are generally very romantic. Their affections are strong, deep, and unwavering. They are sentimental and warm. Since Taurus is a practical earth sign, the placement of the Moon in this sign suggests an ability to protect themselves and their own interests. They will rarely make a move without first determining that it is safe and that there’s something in it for them.

Generally, Taurus Moon people have reliable instincts. They are very much tied to the physical world, and they often have a particularly well-developed sense of smell.
Relationships with people born with this position of the Moon are often quite enduring. Many Moon in Taurus people hang onto their mates, even in the face of serious conflict. Taurus is a fixed sign, so break-ups don’t happen easily.
There is a serenity to them that is calming. In fact, it takes a lot to really get to them. However, they do get off-center every once in a while. They are not the most adaptable people when their own routine is interrupted, for example.
Though some Lunar Taureans might be considered anal, most simply have a stubborn streak that keeps them rather resistant to change. Rarely are they spontaneous sorts. Uncomfortable with surprises, these natives value stability. Their needs are strong but quite simple at the same time–they love the “good things” in life. The world of the five senses is all-important to these natives. Their love of stability and steadiness can make them slaves to routine. However, they are loyal and capable people.

Some Famous people with Moon in Taurus: Christina Aguilera, Ed Asner, Lisa Bonet, Joe Cocker (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus in Taurus), Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillon, Robert Downey Jr., Brendan Frasier, Mick Jagger, Elton John
Mercury in Taurus:
Mercury in Taurus natives are plodders. They may take their time to arrive at a decision, but they get there — they are actually quite decisive, even stubborn with their opinions. Some may mistake the time they take over decisions for laziness, but look a little deeper and you will find that these people do think.
Mercury in Taurus men and women may be slow to start a new project, but they see it through to the end. You may need to poke them to get them going, however. They have much common sense at their disposal.
These people rely on their senses when it comes to processing information. Smells, noises, and mood are all employed. Their communication style may, at times, be slow and measured. You may get a sense that these people are quite deliberate in what they do.

There is a placid quality to Mercury in Taurus natives–when they speak, they are generally not bubbling or scattered. As a result, others really listen to them. They take them seriously. The practicality of the sign often shows up in a rather sarcastic manner, although Mercury in Taurus people have an overall pleasing manner of communicating. In fact, they can be quite funny with their “say it like it is” style.
Many people with this placement of Mercury have especially pleasant voices. The down-to-earth quality of Taurus often shows up in the speech, so it’s unlikely that their expression will be flowery or affected. Instead, it’s infused with a realistic tone that can be rather authoritative.
When it comes to learning, Mercury in Taurus prefers demonstrations, concrete answers, and basic concepts. These natives learn best when they see real-world uses for the theories they’re trying to absorb. Not that they wouldn’t be able to comprehend the abstract–they simply process information better when they can personalize it (what use is it to me?) and attach it to the practical world. It’s interesting to note that Taurus is a sign that naturally assesses things in terms of what they can do for them. With Mercury placed in the sign, information is processed, and either accepted or discarded, with this kind of “screening” process.
Well-developed sense of color, smell, and touch are characteristic of this position of Mercury. These people have well-defined tastes, and these revolve very much around the world of the five senses.

If the Sun Sign is in Aries or Gemini, these people can come across as more bull-headed than they actually are. They have a no-nonsense approach to decision-making, and their ideas are often very practical and useful.
Some Famous People with Mercury in Taurus: Alec Baldwin, Cher (Sun and Mercury in Taurus), George Clooney (Sun and Mercury in Taurus), Joe Cocker (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus in Taurus), Russell Crowe, Johnny Depp (Mercury and Venus in Taurus), Shannen Doherty, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Lenny Kravitz (Mercury and Mars in Taurus), George Lucas (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Taurus), Brooke Shields, Rene Zellweger (Sun and Mercury in Taurus)
Venus in Taurus:
Love for Venus in Taurus centers on the physical world and creature comforts — they revel in sensual surroundings. These people project themselves as solid and comfortable. In fact, something about their manner promises they will be satisfying lovers and partners. They need a certain measure of predictability and dependability in their relationships, even if their Sun is in the more spontaneous signs of Aries or Gemini.
Venus in Taurus men and women can be possessive in love, and they are threatened by fast-paced, high-energy situations in the context of relationships and love. These are sensual partners who require lots of “hands-on” expressions of love. Their lovers may complain that Venus in Taurus can get a little too comfortable and settled. It’s true that they resist change in their relationships, but even when they seem stuck in a groove, you can always reassure yourself by remembering that they are constant partners.

Pleasing Venus in Taurus involves emphasizing your loyalty, and their worth to you. You may need to give in to them in love matters, because they won’t readily give in to you! Get physical with them; do comfortable things. Avoid pushing them in love — give them plenty of time. You will probably need to cultivate patience if you are in a relationship with Venus in Taurus. Remember to be simple and natural — Taurus will appreciate it. Promise them a comfortable, cozy time.
Some Famous People with Venus in Taurus: Joe Cocker (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus in Taurus), Johnny Depp (Mercury and Venus in Taurus), Stacy Ferguson “Fergie”, Steffi Graf, George Lucas (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Taurus), Prince William, Princess Diana, Pete Wentz (Venus and Mars in Taurus).
Mars in Taurus:
“Slow and steady wins the race” could easily be a motto for Mars in Taurus. These goal-oriented people are not known for their speed, but their staying power is tremendous.
Generally calm and easygoing people, Mars in Taurus natives can have powerful tempers when they’re overly provoked. They generally don’t fly off the handle as quickly as others, however (unless Aries is prominent in their chart).

Mars in Taurus people value strength and stability. They are driven by security and an especial fondness for personal possessions. Most are not afraid to work for what they want, and there is an overall patience to this position of Mars. If it takes a few years to achieve their goals, so be it.
People born under a Mars in Taurus are often rather sensual people. Some are slow to arousal, but theirs is an earthy and powerful sensuality.
Most have well-defined long-term goals and the determination to achieve them. They usually are not the type of people to take on too many projects at once. If they don’t think they can do it, they won’t! It is almost impossible to get these people moving once they’ve made up their minds on a matter. You want them to go shopping with you? Unfortunately for you, about half an hour back, they’ve kicked up their heels, changed into something comfortable, and they simply won’t budge. Immovable is the only way to describe Mars in Taurus people who have made up their minds. Adaptability is not their strong point.
In a similar vein, attempting to rush Mars in Taurus people is a lesson in frustration. They won’t alter their pace for most anything.

If you can get past these “quirks”, however, you’ll find that Mars in Taurus natives are often quite reliable and strong personalities. It may just be worth the wait!
Some Famous People with Mars in Taurus: Courteney Cox, Tom Cruise, Jamie Lee Curtis, Ashley Judd, Lucy Lawless, Madonna, Rob Thomas, Pete Wentz (Venus and Mars in Taurus), Vanna White
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