The Virgo man seeks perfection and the game of love is his pet project when it comes to chasing ideals. He is not flighty, or inconstant. A Virgoan will only fall in love after he has applied his mind to the situation at hand, exploring all the pros and cons, all the cracks, flaws, and strengths of an emotional investment. His practical and sensible nature fails to understand the romance in candlelit dinners and spontaneous weekend trips overseas. However a Virgo man in love will schedule his entire methodically planned life around you, call when he says he’s calling, bend over backwards to be a better man, person, father, and lover to you and protect, honour, and serve you. Not a bad exchange, really.
In a relationship, the Virgo man is faithful, thoughtful, and loves to help. He is partial to stability and predictability, and will be home helping you set the table, balance the finances, and throw a ball around with the children on weekends. He strives to be the perfect partner in a relationship and he is capable, kind, and loyal. He is easygoing and relaxed in relationships, and is not high maintenance.
Sex with a Virgo man may be an affair approached with military precision if he isn’t yet confident with you. All the details will have been thought of beforehand and addressed. The act itself will go through smoothly, but what of passion and animal lust? The Virgo man often surprises his lovers. Yes, he can be a little puritanical, at least until you unlock the hidden passions that lie within. His element is Earth, so a certain raunchy aspect of this otherwise strait-laced sign is to be expected. He is demanding in bed and his attention to detail translates to a man who is a competent and skilled lover. He needs a lot of reassurance to come out of his shell, and when he does, you’ll enjoy his more relaxed approach. Opposites often attract the Virgo man, and he is fascinated by the wild and wanton in others, traits that he often feels are repressed in himself.
He is generally considered most compatible with Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio, and Cancer.
Virgos in Love
When it comes to matters of the heart, a Virgo woman has inner strength and determination. The Maiden is pure and true and not easily shaken. She believes in real love, practical love – not just the stuff of fairy tales and happily-ever-after, but love between partners and equals. She is extremely passionate and intense, and demands perfection from her relationship – not always an achievable gift to give, but she is often doing the most work on getting there.
The Virgo woman tends to analyze the situation, searching for flaws, strengthening weaknesses, and exploring emotions. She only falls in love with one person at a time, and does not wear her heart on her sleeve, plunging deeply into love only after she has applied her critical mind to it.
This is not to say that Ms. Virgo doesn’t experience impulsive and powerful attractions, because she does. She needs love as much as any other sign in the zodiac. But modest Virgo will often have an insecure reaction if she discovers that her affections are requited. It’s at this point that she will wonder what that person sees in her. She likes herself, but because she sees all of her flaws so clearly, she worries that she might not live up to others’ expectations. This is one of the reasons why suitors of Virgo women may need to provide a lot of reassurance over the long term. If you go over the top or if you seem to be in love with a fantasy image of her, you are likely to push her further away. Keep things as real as possible, and you have a real chance with the Virgo woman. Show her that you like her at her worst as well as at her best.
Make a Virgo woman feel secure in the relationship and she’ll work exceptionally hard to maintain a loving, caring atmosphere on the home-front. This lady enjoys the pleasure that she brings to her partner, so when she asks what she can do for you, she honestly wants to know.
Relationships & the Virgo Man
The Virgo man doesn’t express emotion very well and this can make him appear too reserved and even unapproachable at times. He finds it difficult to let anyone get emotionally close to him, so making new friends and committing to a relationship is sometimes a problem.
Extremely discriminating, the Virgo man is particular when it comes to choosing a companion and his partner.
Some Virgo men should learn to lighten up and realize that not all discussions have to be dominated by facts, figures, and profound words of advice he would do well to put a little small talk into his conversations. The humbler Virgos know this intuitively, or have learned it, and only offer their insight when asked, and it’s very much appreciated! Virgo men make fabulous friends who are always there when needed.
Relationships & the Virgo Woman
Completely devoted when attached, Virgoans are reliable and loyal, weighing all the facts before committing themselves. Romance is important to them, and usually a Virgo woman would rather choose to be single than with the wrong person, holding out for Mr./Mrs. Perfect, not just Mr./Mrs. Right. This is not to say that she expects her partner to be inhumanly perfect, but she does want a partner who perfectly suits her.
She is easygoing and steady in relationships, applying her attention to detail and charm to making it work. Independent and strong, a Virgo woman would never cling to her perfect, over-achieving partner. The Maiden, contrary to urban legend, does not need rescuing, just companionship. She is most compatible with Scorpio, Gemini, Cancer, Taurus, and Capricorn. The Virgo woman doesn’t always express emotion naturally and this makes her appear reserved and even a bit stand-offish at times. Other Virgos may mask their vulnerable feelings with jokes and teases. She finds it difficult to emotionally open up and let just anyone close, so making new friends and committing to relationships may be a problem for her. Some Virgos easily make acquaintances, but take their time when establishing true friendships.
Acutely discriminating, the Virgo woman is particular when it comes to choosing a mate and her partner. This might be a good thing, but it can certainly slow down her love life. Some Virgo women take time to learn how to lighten up. A nervous or socially fearful Virgo might mask her vulnerability by focusing too much on facts, figures, and words of advice. While she is quite brilliant and can master almost anything she can set her mind to, and small talk is one of those things she can learn to do well, it may not come very naturally to her in her youth.
She is very rational, and in any argument her point of view will be the most logical and the hardest to argue against. She is charming and witty, and will do everything she can to help you in her firm, but gentle way.
For a Virgo woman, her gift of love is pragmatic more than anything else. If she can be helpful, useful, and supportive to her partner, she will do so quite happily. She will truly go the extra mile for those she loves, with a cheerful smile on her face. To her, it’s not an inconvenience because it is a physical expression of how much she loves them. Those who love a Virgo woman learn to appreciate the little, sweet touches that she makes during the day to show them how much they mean to her, rather than expecting over the top verbal and physical displays of enthusiasm.
Romance & the Virgo Man
When a Virgo man feels secure with his partner, he’ll work extremely hard to maintain a strong, loving relationship. This gentleman enjoys bringing pleasure to his companion, so when he asks what you like, he really wants to know.
The Virgo man can’t help analyzing his own performance and this can extend right to the bedroom. Since the man is always looking to improve what he does, it shouldn’t come as any surprise when you find him reading books on romance and love making techniques, although he may not want you to know.
He’s more fact than fantasy and role-playing may not be an automatic part of his bedroom repertoire, but don’t rule it out. As modest and conservative as he may be, the Virgo man can be quite surprising when it comes to pleasing his partner.
Romance & the Virgo Woman
The Maiden may have a reputation for prudishness, but her aloofness should not be confused with priggishness. Mistress of the minutiae, Virgos revel in the little details of lovemaking. Safe to say that Virgo’s lovers should never skip the flowers, scented candles, or foreplay. A strong, confident lover will draw out the best of sexual Virgo, who will just as happily have sex on the beach as a cocktail and as a locality, as long as her partner is secure and takes the initiative. If you can break down her guards, she may just give full vent to her unpredictable and unplanned passions.